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Antigro Designer & Print logistic
Order for free one or more products listed below – check how easy is to design a great product, how short is TAT and how great quality products your clients can get!
Custom shape pillow - AI Face/Head Cutout
Test how easy it is to create pillows with uploaded photos of heads or faces using AI technology in Antigro Designer. Test the quality and production time of pillows with cut-out faces made by Print Logistic for free before deciding whether to offer them to your customers.
Astronaut pillow - AI Face/Head Cutout
Familiarize yourself with the possibilities that come with offering an original product like the Astronaut pillow with an AI face/head cutout. Give yourself a chance to create a free sample of the product and see for yourself what the process of creating and editing the design by your customers might look like.
Logo pillow
Logo-shaped pillows are a highly sought-after product, perfect for individual customers looking to create unique home decor or gifts for friends, as well as for small and large businesses interested in using logo pillows as a versatile marketing tool.
Custom shape pillow - Body Cutout
Explore the cutting-edge AI technology that enables body cutouts from photos and pillow creation. Test these innovative capabilities by initiating your own project, and receive a distinctive pillow that allows you to evaluate the quality of a product that could distinguish your company’s offerings from the competition.