Antigro Interviews
Richard Askam, Ambassador of Personalisation Experience Area I FESPA 2023
This question is probably familiar to anyone who has watched the series of podcasts conducted in preparation for FESPATV 2023 at Messe München. Today, we would like to present you with an interview with Personalisation Experience Area Ambassador Richard Askam. You will learn what personalization means to Richard, how he views this year’s event, and how he sees future editions. Enjoy!
[Waclaw Mostowski]
Richard, I know that you’ve asked this question like quite a lot in the recent weeks so now I would like to switch the roles and ask you, what does personalization mean to you?
[Richard Askam]
It’s funny, I have asked a lot of people that, and I think what’s interesting is it made so many different things to so many different people. And for me, I think it means joy. It’s the element and we’ve talked about this a lot this week. The I don’t know when you see the reaction from somebody to the thing you put a bit of thought into. So if you if you bottle this that it’s the delivery of joy.
[Waclaw Mostowski]
And what you think like, how do you see the future of the personalization in the in the printing industry?
[Richard Askam]
I think it’s going to evolve really quickly. I think what we’ve seen so far is is almost page one of book one and this is a multi book series. So I think as more people realize what personalization can achieve and it’s and it’s so varied across so many different areas, it’s not just gifting it is not just marketing. It’s so many things. It’s the thing that we all like, which is what treat it as individuals.
[Waclaw Mostowski]
And this is the first event of the personalization experience. And how do you how do you find this first edition?
[Richard Askam]
It’s it’s been brilliant, actually, and yesterday especially and I’m hoping that today is like yesterday, because what happened was all of the audience started talking to each other and what we created and what I call what I wanted when we came up with the idea of year again was to create a conversation that everybody’s involved in because the difficulty that you have is all of these sort of areas brands, manufacturers, retailers, printers, they talk to each other, but they don’t talk to everybody yet because they’ve been getting everybody in the room, locking the door and making them stay until they talk to each other. It’s work, really.
[Waclaw Mostowski]
And do you have any ideas for the for the future events?
[Richard Askam]
Yes, very much so. And we’re already planning next year’s event with FESPA at Amsterdam. And I think we’ll take the best bits. That’s work that you can only find out by finding out, right. You have to start somewhere. So over the three days this year, we’ve learned a lot and we’ll take the best bits of that and boil those down for next year. Maybe a few things we won’t do, maybe a few things we’ll do more of. But ultimately it’s a development program and next year you’ll see it being bigger, better, faster, stronger. I think you’ll have the return of that.
[Waclaw Mostowski]
Thank you a lot Richard and yeah, see you next year.
[Richard Askam]
Looking forward to it.